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Compañías de Internet en Nephi, UT

Verizon Home Internet
55% disponible en Nephi
Internet 5G en casa
Velocidades de descarga de hasta

Calificación de usuarios(19)
63% disponible en Nephi
Velocidades de descarga de hasta

Ordena en línea, internet de fibra de hasta 100 Mbps por $55/mes

99% disponible en Nephi
Internet Satelital
Velocidades de descarga de hasta

Calificación de usuarios(183)
92% disponible en Nephi
Cable, Fibra e Inalámbrico fijo
Velocidades de descarga de hasta
63% disponible en Nephi
Velocidades de descarga de hasta

Ordena en línea, internet de fibra de hasta 100 Mbps por $55/mes

92% disponible en Nephi
Cable, Fibra e Inalámbrico fijo
Velocidades de descarga de hasta
Disponible en Nephi
4GLTE Velocidades
pueden variar

Calificación de usuarios
Disponible en Nephi
4GLTE Velocidades
pueden variar

Calificación de usuarios
AT&T Wireless
99% disponible en Nephi
AT&T Wireless
4GLTE Velocidades
pueden variar

Calificación de usuarios
Verizon Wireless
84% disponible en Nephi
Verizon Wireless
4GLTE Velocidades
pueden variar

Calificación de usuarios

Mapa de disponibilidad de proveedores de Internet

Más información Verizon Home Internet

Más información CenturyLink

Más información Starlink

Más información CentraCom

Ver proveedores de internet en ciudades cercanas

Tipos de proveedores en Nephi

  • Cable — 92% Cobertura
  • DSL — 63% Cobertura
  • Fiber — 92% Cobertura

Disponibilidad de banda ancha

(Internet con más de 25 Mbps)




Reseñas de clientes de los proveedores de Internet en Nephi



Min L | 07-25-2023

Usuario Verificado

This company is just difficult to work with. We are a regular household that pays for the base internet package and the treatment we have received reflects what they think of their base customer. Centra Com's prices are a little lower than other companies, but you get what you pay for. Their customer service is awful! Our internet consistently goes out in the evenings and often runs slowly (slower than the upload/download speeds we pay for) during the day. When we called to see if anything could be done, they just said “those are peak usage hours, and it's to be expected”. Another time I called to try and get customer service help on their 24-7 open all 365 days line after our internet had been out for several hours (which happens after every power outage), when no one answered I left a message. When I did not receive a call from them the next business day I called back and was told that obviously, the 24-7 / 365 didn't actually mean 24-7 / 365, and it was unreasonable for me to expect to be taken care of the outside of regular business hours. Then we were told that there was nothing wrong with the internet, that it was working again so call them again when it wasn't working. ... yeah. We did call them back again when the internet had stopped working after the next power outage, and the 24-7 line did answer this time, but they couldn't fix our problem over the phone so we had to wait another two days for a technician to come out and look at it. By that time the internet had started working again and the technician couldn't do anything. So, we still lose internet for hours after each 40-sec power outage. The last straw though was that today a technician showed up at our house to upgrade our equipment. We were excited, maybe our internet would finally stop dropping out randomly through the day and every single night! Maybe we would actually get the speed that we were paying for…But no- turns out it was a sales push to try and get us to upgrade our internet to a higher package deal. The office assistant who scheduled this technician didn’t say a thing about the new monthly increase, so the technician arrived all ready to install all this new equipment without our knowledge that it would increase the price. Fortunately, my husband asked why the new equipment was being installed, to which the technician replied “didn’t you upgrade your plan?”. Then it all came out. We scheduled our day around this technician's schedule so we could be there and then it’s a sales gimmick –so frustrating. The whole scenario felt underhanded and disrespectful to not only us as the customer, but also to the technician who is their own employee. We will be switching providers asap.

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Metodología compara proveedores de Internet dentro de ciudades y áreas metropolitanas para brindarles a los clientes la información más relevante sobre sus opciones de Internet. Al comparar proveedores, tenemos en cuenta lo siguiente:

  • Áreas de cobertura del proveedor
  • Velocidades anunciadas
  • Velocidades en el mundo real (datos de pruebas de velocidad)
  • Retroalimentación de clientes
  • Otros datos localizados relevantes

Obtenemos datos de cobertura localizada mostrados en nuestros mapas de cobertura de la base de datos de cobertura de la FCC, la cual se actualiza cada seis meses.Para el resumen más actual de proveedores en tu área, recomendamos usar nuestra herramienta de búsqueda por código postal, que ofrece los datos de cobertura más recientes directamente de los proveedores de servicios de internet (ISP).

Nuestros resúmenes de ciudad comparan las velocidades anunciadas por los proveedores. También podemos incluir datos de velocidad del mundo real recopilados de millones de resultados anuales de pruebas de velocidad.

Para procesar nuestros datos de pruebas de velocidad, primero filtramos valores atípicos y proveedores con pocas pruebas. Luego calculamos los promedios de velocidad con cada ISP sujeto a los mismos parámetros.

Recopilamos datos de retroalimentación de clientes de ISP de nuestras encuestas anuales exhaustivas y de la retroalimentación directa de clientes enviada a A menos que se indique lo contrario, las calificaciones promedio se calculan a nivel nacional.

    UT    Nephi