Compañías de Internet en Medina, OH
- Ahorra hasta $360 al año al combinar Internet Gig con móvil o TV.
- Garantía de precio por varios años, sin contratos.
- Disfruta de los ahorros y la comodidad de las opciones de auto-instalación rápida.
Internet 5G en casa
Obtén $200 de regreso al unirte. Regístrate en línea para T-Mobile Home Internet y recibe una tarjeta de prepago virtual Mastercard® de $200.
(wireless speeds may vary)
Contrata el paquete Fiber 2 Gig internet y obtén una tarjeta Visa de regalo con $200. Aplican términos, consultar disponibilidad.
Internet 5G en casa
Calificación de usuarios(19)◊
Fibra e Inalámbrico fijo
(wireless speeds may vary)
Contrata el paquete Fiber 2 Gig internet y obtén una tarjeta Visa de regalo con $200. Aplican términos, consultar disponibilidad.
Inalámbrico LTE
Fibra e Inalámbrico fijo
4GLTE Velocidades
pueden variar
Calificación de usuarios◊
5G Velocidades
pueden variar
Calificación de usuarios◊
Only available to Spectrum Internet customers. Buy one line of Unlimited Data Plan and get the second line FREE for 12 months + extra $100 off when you trade-in an eligible device with the purchase of a new line and phone activation.
5G Velocidades
pueden variar
Calificación de usuarios◊
4GLTE Velocidades
pueden variar
Calificación de usuarios◊
◊ La valoración de estrellas se basa en las reseñas de los usuarios y nuestra encuesta independiente de satisfacción del cliente.
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Más información T-Mobile Home Internet
Más información Spectrum
Más información Frontier
Más información Verizon Home Internet
Más información Armstrong
Más información North Coast Wireless Communications
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Reseñas de clientes de los proveedores de Internet en Medina
Jason W | 01-16-2019
I tried to have internet installed as a gift to my father way before Christmas (October 2018) - after prepaying, on 3 separate occasions the technicians were no call no shows on 4 hour window scheduled appointments over a month timeframe... at that point, of course I cancelled services, and spent no less than 2 hours each on the phone on 2 separate occasions to get refunded (the first time I waited the 2 weeks after calling without the promised refund being refunded, then had to start over, and was finally refunded) I have since been receiving bills and past due notices of services never rendered, and again spent numerous hours on phone to have bills ceased, constantly getting routed in a loop and/or being told I'd get transferred to the proper department only to be routed back to the first menu... the actual people I talked to in customer service have been nice, and I stay calm and polite, but as far as this company as an whole, is the most unprofessional, back alley dealing swindlers I wish I had never come across... this experience has been enormously stressful, and is still not resolved as I just received yet another bill with threats to go to collections... It's January 16, 2019... I urge everyone to get their cable/internet services through another company, and avoid this nightmare and farce of a company called Frontier... I am copying and pasting this, along with a copy of my bill today, and will continue to do so on all media platforms I can until my billing for services I've not received, for an account that has been cancelled due to no installation, and therefore zero service, has stopped... at this point, an apology from Frontier would be welcome, actually, expected... my name is Jason Wish, and the service area is northeast Ohio
¿Fue útil esta reseña?Pat S | 03-16-2017
Internet is slow, but it is all that is offered, except Time Warner, in the township where we live. Some devices won't pick up signal at all. Lightning hit tree and elec. comp. cut cable wire; Frontier monkey-rigged then did not return for 4 months to fix it properly. We don't have much choice.
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