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Get the Speed Test App

Try our no-cost, ad-free internet speed test for quick and reliable results


Get the App

With our speed test app, you’re one tap away from seeing the exact internet speed you’re receiving, wherever you are.

  • Free internet speed test App for mobile devices and tablets
  • 100% ad-free
  • Test your ping and latency
  • Measure Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G and LTE speeds accurately
  • Store historical speed test results
  • Troubleshoot your internet speed issues
  • Verify the speeds you are paying for
  • Download the easy-to-use speed test app today for iOS. (Coming soon to Android.)


How it works

To test your download speed, our app will use your internet or cellular connection to download a dummy file, measure how long the download takes, and then calculate your internet speed. We test your upload speed the same way—we just upload the file instead of downloading it.

Our app will detect the nearest server to your location to get the most accurate results. As the app contacts the server, it will also measure your ping rate and latency. To learn more about latency, upload speeds, and download speeds, see our ultimate guide to internet speeds.


Tell us what you think

Have questions, comments, or feedback about our speed test app? We’d love to hear from you.

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