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Alex Kerai

Alex began writing for student newspapers and has managed to turn that into a career. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he wrote about small businesses for Biz2Credit and Before that, he spent time in communications for higher education institutions, created marketing materials for nonprofits, and worked for entertainment companies in Los Angeles. Today, he reports on emerging consumer trends and his work can be seen on,,,, and When he's not writing, Alex watches too much TV, plays guitar, reads and writes fiction, and goes on nature walks.

State of the Internet in 2023: As Internet Speeds Rise, People Are More Online

by | Sep 28, 2023 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment

Internet usage is increasing and people are spending about eight hours online every day. With more...

Wi-Fi in the Travel Industry

by | Aug 23, 2023 | Brand Guides

Nearly 3 in 4 Americans say hotels and Airbnbs need to provide fast Wi-Fi for their customers

Americans want free wi-fi, but do businesses have it?
Americans Are Less Likely To Go to a Business if It Doesn’t Offer Fast, Free Wi-Fi

by | May 11, 2023 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment, Technology

How often do you look for free Wi-Fi when entering a business? For many Americans, it’s...

Every State’s Favorite Show in 2022

by | Nov 30, 2022 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment

In the past three years, streaming services have grown exponentially and pumped billions of dollars into...

Cyber Hoarding Survey
2 in 3 Americans Say Digital Files Lead To Stress or Anxiety

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment, Technology

Americans are spending an average of eight hours online each day in 2022—and their internet usage...