Your State’s Most Googled Plastic Surgery
Oct 11, 2017 | Share
Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
Whether you look at plastic surgery as a way to boost ego or improve health and comfort, you have to admit it’s fascinating how modern science allows us to change our bodies. To track the most captivating cosmetic procedures out there, our team at used Google Trends data to discover what procedure each state was most interested in going under the knife for!

An Unexpressed Love of Breasts
You may have noticed that despite breast augmentation being the most popular surgery last year with 290,467 reported procedures in 2016, it didn’t make an appearance in the search results. Only Kansas seemed interested in searching for it at all.
This may be because most people already have a rudimentary understanding of breast augmentation due to its widespread usage. Instead, the search histories for plastic surgery tend to show interest in both new procedures and local favorites, which we’ll delve into more deeply below.
The Darling Derrière
Butt enhancement is a clear local favorite in the South and Midwest. Maryland, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan, and Missouri are the top states to research bottom implants. Meanwhile, Louisiana wants to know more about butt lifts, and Texas goes all out in typical Texas fashion by searching for full “lower-body lifts.”
The Effects of “Cold” Age
In states known for having the worst winters, residents were on the hunt for anti-aging procedures to fight the effects harsh weather can have on the skin. North Dakota, Maine, Idaho, and Massachusetts look for the answer in Botox, while Minnesota and Wisconsin are searching out dermabrasion. In the Far North, Alaska hopes for help from face-lifts.
On the subject of anti-aging procedures, snowbirds are not only the reason for Florida having the highest average age in the US, but they’re also likely the reason we caught the Sunshine State searching for “neck lifts” above everything else.
Postpartum Renovation
Like many other cosmetic procedures, labiaplasty may be performed for aesthetic, comfort, or intimacy reasons. But we think we have a good idea why Utahans are googling it so much: Utah has the highest fertility rate in the US.
Freezing Your Butt Off
CoolSculpting®, which gets rid of fat cells by freezing them away, was by far the most searched-for procedure. A total of seventeen states were the most interested in this minimally invasive procedure, and it was just as popular in the state with the lowest obesity rate, Colorado, as it was in the state with the highest obesity rate, West Virginia.
Minimally Invasive Procedures on the Rise
The fact that a minimally invasive procedure took the lead in these results shouldn’t be too surprising. Over the past ten years, the number of invasive cosmetic surgeries each year has stayed at about 1.65 million. However, the number of total cosmetic procedures has risen by 5.8 million.

A large part of this rise could be due to the recent invention of numerous FDA-approved, minimally invasive procedures:
And that’s only a small sampling of the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures out there. With shorter recovery time and less expense than full-on cosmetic surgery, these procedures command a strong appeal and are more accessible than ever. It’s mind-blowing how simple and effective these treatments are, and it makes us wonder what the next great trend will be.
What kind of plastic surgery would you be willing to try? Let us know in the comments below.
Author - Rachel Oaks
Rachel’s catchphrase is “I’ma Google that.” This go-getter writer has a talent for finding incredible and bizarre facts on the web, and she is happy to pass her knowledge on to you.