Internet in Fort Carson
Moving towns or switching internet providers can be confusing and stressful. Comparing internet providers against the averages in the Fort Carson area can help you choose the right internet and get back to your life.
Average starting price
Fort Carson Residential Internet Coverage
Fort Carson is located in Colorado Springs. The majority of residents (more than 60%) are in the military and rent their homes or apartments, as they tend to be somewhat transient in nature. In fact, every five years, the population is almost 100% different than it had been. Nearly 40% of residents live at or below the poverty line. Due to the high turn-over in the housing market, the demand for high-speed internet is less in Fort Carson than in other areas. However, 71% of the town can get high-speed internet. This is less than the 82% of Colorado residents with access to the service.
DSL options are offered by two providers. Integra Telecom reaches 100% of Fort Carson residents while CenturyLink provides the service to 28% of residents from 1-25 to Chiles Ave. Telephone and Data Systems offers cable internet to 71% of residents in that same area.
Businesses in the area connect to the internet with Megapath. They reach 100% of businesses with copper wire connections and 64% of commercial enterprises with DSL.