Madison residential internet coverage
AT&TAQS Plans for AT&T and SpectrumAQS Plans for Spectrum both operate the largest networks in Madison and the surrounding suburbs of Dane County. AT&T provides DSL and fiber connections across downtown and the Madison Isthmus, out to distant neighborhoods like Cardinal Glenn and McClellan Park, and further into northeast and southeast Dane County.
Spectrum’s cable network is even more widespread, covering the whole city as well as suburbs like Sun Prairie and Fitchburg. It also provides internet in smaller villages and towns in the outskirts of the county.
FrontierAQS Plans for Frontier‘s DSL network covers parts of Madison, including areas along the Southwest Commuter Path and around the intersection of Verona Road and the West Beltline Highway. Frontier’s network also stretches out across Dane County going north, south, and east—from the city of Monona out to Deerfield, Oregon, and parts of DeForest.
CenturyLinkAQS Plans for CenturyLink doesn’t cover the city limits, nor parts of popular suburbs like McFarland or Middleton. But it does pop up in the villages of DeForest, Waunakee, Windsor, and other areas north of Lake Mendota.
Viasat and HughesNet hook up satellite internet to rural areas—though, by the looks of it, rural internet users will likely also find coverage by much faster (and cheaper) DSL or cable networks.